Amps direct to wall vs. power conditioner?

I have always thought that running your amps direct to the wall gives you the best sound; however, I have a friend who is getting much better sound running them thru a power conditioner. Any thoughts?
Results will vary. Do you and your friend have dedicated lines? I have used PCs and like direct but there are too many variables to make blanket judgments.
Yes, we both do have dedicated lines and are both using high current monoblocks ( MBL 9008's and Bryston 28B)
I heard it from a fellow music hound that he put in new wall outlets big difference he claims also i don't use the ground also the cords could react differently with each piece(14 for low power verses 12g or 10g for hi current)were his speakers on spikes on the floor lots of tweaks for next to nothing Good luck