Speaker cables with good timbre

As the title says, i would like to hear recommendations on a pair of speaker cables, copper, that have a very good midrange, imaging and truth of timbre or faithful reproduction of instrument sound. As i get older i started to realize i value those characteristics the most when i listen to recorded music. Thank you in advance.


Having many speaker cables throughout the years that includes Nordost v2, shunyata sigma and audience front row, currently enjoying snake river signatures - absolutely terrific timber, that made me to go with full loom of snake river signatures, 

To me you have exactly described Kubala Sosna Realization (or even Elation).

I had a full loom of Audience SX 24 and thought they were amazing until my dealer swapped in a pair of Elation cables.  Both were resolving on the high end, but the K-S were much fuller with midrange timbre and all around fullness, yet resolving without being bright like some other cables with silver I tried.  Many other copper cables were dark.  I am sure there are many other great cables.

I’ve been happy with my AcousticZen Hologram cables for the exact reasons that you mention. They were originally recommended to me by someone praising their accuracy of timbre.

Lots of options i see. My speakers are the Totem Forest Signature. Very transparent with good imaging, in my opinion. The rest of my system is Marantz CD60 and SL La Musica integrated. I'm very pleased with my system so no changes there. This was a good read this morning. Thank you to all who responded.