no excitement from my Cambridge 840 cd

Purchased a Cambridge 840 anticipating a whole new ball game with my NuForce amps. Bottom line: I get more sound, notes I never heard before ......... but at the expense of soundstage, depth, the bloom that comes from very good setups.
Current system:

Cambridge 840 cd
Zu Audio Varial balanced i/c's
Adcom 750 preamp
NuForce balanced i/c's
NuForce 8.5 v2 amps
NuForce speaker cable
PSB Stratus gold-i speakers

Here's the kicker: I've been using a Sony CDP 555es, cd changer. The sound is gloriously deep, a wide stage with notes that bloom out of nowhere. A deep silence.
On this the i/c is a Mapleshade original (thin wire) i/c.
Now, I've tried mixing and matching: putting the Mapleshade's between the Cambridge and Adcom, but nothing comes close to that sound I get from my old Sony es changer.
Shall I sell the Cambridge player or try different i/c's ?
hey guys - this may belong on another post, but here goes.
blindjim say's " ... the Cam 840 just might not be entirely run in as I've seen here online posts saying it needs upwards of a years use or from 300-400 hr".
Yikes !!! ....which brings me to my point.
why in the name of les paul should anyone wait 300-400 hours to discover if they like the unit ?
my money's been paid, my warrantee's runnin', i'm paying for the current to keep it on and my wife's long been bribed.
you'd think by now manufacturer's would do this at the factory. you see ... the item for all intent and purpose is unusable.
i'm 62 years old ......time is becoming precious....maybe i shoulda started this hobby at an earlier age.
is anyone on my side ??
Dabern, this is why most of us audition already broken in gear in our own systems. I know not always possible, but the oly way to really know what something will really sound like. My CD rig took over 1,000 hours to break in. Now, if not for having heard a broken in one in my own system, I would have long sent it back. Knowing what it was capable of, I stuck with it, and, ultimately, was not dissappointed.

What I said about run in of devices applies to many if not all of the items being produced today, including speakers. Certainly, speakers. or at least, it is my experince so far.

24-7 playing runs you in at 168 hr. per wk., so in just over two weeks you should be right about there and done with break in, if it ain't broke by then. 17 days of round the clock action will do it completely… or by Golly it should.

This spell takes me far longer as I simply will not turn it on and let it run for two weeks plus periods. That just ain’t happening here. Even if it wasn’t my own gear I shudder at the thought of it. Run it in as you will use it is my approach more often than not if it spins or heats up.

Makers aren't going to wind 'em up for that long. they just ain't gonna.

I wonder more so, if this run in period isn't partly due to a preference of sorts. My SCD xa777 following a new sled installation (both lasers and motor) was extremely articulate. Night and day diff from what was going on previously. in many accounts it staged better, and had better tone & impact, but was striden up on top and in the upper mid to treble range. I took 3-4 weeks of on again, off again running to get it sounding easier on the ears, but took it back to the factory service center to have it double checked as I thought something could be wrong. Nope. Nothing was wrong.... it simply needed more spinning.

Right around 300 hrs. or so it began to sound ok... a bit longer for it to sound better than it had prior to the sled instalation. Sheeeshhh.

Finding all was well and it was better than previous, I sold it. Primarily because my PC was equaling andd surpassing it's performance.

I was fooled again with my Silverline speakers, thinking they were run in right at 300 hrs. Nope. Monitor Gold 60's? Same thing.

Now, I play whatever pieces i HAVE EVERY NOW AND THEN, EVEN IF i'M NOT LISTENING TO THEM, JUST TO KEEP THEM USED TO ELECTRICITY OR SIGNALS. I don't think they'll revert to newish, but they do take far, far, longer to wake back up after extended periods of no activity.

Perhaps we should not task the makers of these devices quite so much as we should urge the component makers... those who make the caps, resistors, chips, and wires, to those ends. yeah. Good luck with that one too.

it's just the way of things bought brand spanking new. Always has been and always will be just this way. It adds to it's charm. Running in stuff is as interesting an affair as it is frustrating and a quite integral part of this past time.