Pre amp recommendations

My current setup 

Gr Research NX studios with 2 subs  

PS Audio M700’s amps

Denefrips Pontus dac

Bluesound Node. Streamer
Anthem AVM 60 surround processor 

i have good cables and XLR where possible  

So, I’ve been upgrading recently and I have to keep my AV system integrated with my 2 channel system. I am very satisfied with my system now but I keep wanting to improve it. 
I believe my Anthem is the weak link here. 
I’m looking to install a dedicated 2 channel pre amp with theater bypass. I’ve been looking at Musical Fidelity M6s, PS Audio Gain Cell, and Parasound P5 or P6. 
Would this be a worthy addition?

I have a Parasound 2100 pre laying around but I feel it wouldn’t be an improvement over the Anthem AVM 60 processor. 



You don’t say what your price range is, but I highly recommend the ARC REF6.  It is a phenomenal preamp and is a perfect complement to my Pass Labs 250.8 amp.  It just sounds great.  Now I will only point out that when I have changed preamps or amps, I have been hyped up on big differences, but the reality is that most of the time there are definitely differences, but they are not night and day.  I mean that one pre will definitely sound “better” than another, but to me, that has been an incremental difference.  Really the one component that I put into my system that really kicked it up to another level and filled in some of what I felt was lacking — namely depth of soundstage — was a Shunyata Everest power conditioner with a Sigma XC power cable.  I was super surprised that it made such a difference!

Audio GD  HE-1 XLR with 10 tubes and it's own regenerative power supply....$4500....Plays with the 10 K crowd. Awesome unit.

Ok,  I ordered a BHK pre and waiting for it’s arrival. 
I want to thank everyone for their input.
 I realized I should have upgraded my streamer first but the deal I got on the pre I couldn’t pass up. The streamer is next and will be another discussion. 
I seriously considered everyone’s input. It helped me make this decision. 
I’ll give a follow up post on my results. 

Congratulations. I think a good choice. Since the preamp is very much the center of the system, better this before any other changes. Tell us your impressions once broken in. 

After a few weeks of listening with the BHK, here are my thoughts. 
First,  the Anthem AVM 60 is no slouch. It has a big soundstage and lots of detail. 
I was totally satisfied with the setup. But….. I got the itch!

The BHK is more musical and precise. Dead quiet background. Soundstage is not larger than the Anthem but much more defined with pinpoint placement. 
Overall, I feel the music is more real. Voices are so real and set in center stage like the artist is in the room. 
Bottom line,  The BHK will be with me for a long, long time.