Breaking news! Jays Audio is moving to Texas and takes interest in McIntosh

Southwest audio show apparently was a big hit and a great place for audio.

It's nice to see Jay is taking an interest in McIntosh amplifiers. He has a 2 boxes in his lab containing MC 901 dual mono amplifiers that can be used to biamp lots of things including speakers , a tube/solid state amplifier. He promises a review sometime soon.

Additionally he's got brand new speakers and we don't know what they are because they are Hidden behind acoustical panels waiting to be unveiled sometime by Thanksgiving.

Jay predicts his brand will be bigger than southwest audio show.  Jays audio show coming to a Texas town near you. 

Looking forward to all the excitement. 



I live under a rock so someone please help me catch up- Jay’s audio… is this the bloke who makes the CD transports or is it the big dude with the bald head who reviews gear on YouTube, or are they one and the same??

 And what was the topic of the long thread that was removed that I feel I ought to have read at some point but didn’t?


+1 @john1 you are 110% correct. NO phono # NO value of what he talks about. Seems he only wants $$$$$ gear to say "Hey look what I have!" BFD


He also offers a really nice subscription service where he offers a lot of additional information.  He makes a lot of money it's been very helpful. I don't understand a lot of what he does but he buys a lot of expensive gear and showcases it otherwise no one would see this stuff.