Ayon Audio CD-5 versus CD-5s

What are the essential differences between the CD-5 and CD-5s? Has anyone heard one of the 5s units as yet?

Does Ayon have any plans to bring out a reference player like the CD-5/5s with built-in pre-amp that does SACD (2-channel) as well as Redbook CD?

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At the end of the day, vinyl destroys sacd, downloads and every other digital format. I find downloads pretty souless for the reasons already mentioned. Groups springing up to discuss how many 'bits' their dacs are processing only goes to show how true musicality and soul is taking a back seat.
There's no doubt analog has that je ne sais quoi quality :)

But I listen to music so I end up buying whatever format that music I like is on.. and choose the best devices I can afford to play them.
Hi DH, to be fair streaming from HDD's & servers is maturing rapidly. You made a good point about buying the music you want in whatever format is available. I still plan to buy cd's & vinyl where possible in the next few years & build up my collection, but will inevitably buy a high end server in 4 or 5 years & control my library by Ipad. The CD-5s provides an ideal platform for streaming up to 24/96.
There seems to be a little confusion here ,with the Bryston digital player being used ,this replaces a transport ,for there are No moving part now
And all ripped flac files , or hi Rez down loads go to a external hard drive then to a solid state card reader buffer,
Than to a Highly modified Angela@ sound card, then to a discreet
Class A analog output to the dac which I am using a Wireworld
Platinum USB, and xlr digital cable with outstanding results.
This is the future ,for once done no more CDs to clean everything
Is obtained from a Droid or IPad with all the album art .
Just touch the screen and it is done,or make a favorites in any order .
The hardest part is taking the time to rip our cd collection.
It took me a solid month to rip 500 CDs through a db power amp program.
With my setup their is no crashes ever.At first the Bryston had some software issues this is now resolved,and I have had several
$10 K plus analog systems and with the Ayon Skylla-2 dac
Myself and others feel this is a great way to get the benefits
Of analog with many added bonuses. I donot miss the ritual of cleaning and drying discs then still having clicking and pops .
The New cd-5 s, as well as the Skylla -2 now use Mundorfs best
Silver,Gold,Oil capacitors and these are specked even better at 1 percent.
This makes this unit more dynamic ,liquid, and open sounding
Very good analog sound is a good way to describe this digital sound.