???What's The LEAST Expensive "End Game"Amplifier You've Ever Heard???

Pretty simple question..
While I’m sure the "No Such Thing" crowd will make sure they represent,I’m not interested in their rhetoric..
I am however,most interested to hear from those who have heard integrated amplifiers they could get off the merry go round with,ESPECIALLY if it was on the more budget end of cost..For myself it would have to be the Sugden A21SE but that was 2 years ago,before the cost climbed to $4000.00......
Thanks for participating..


Class D Audio Mini Gan 5. $800 & fits in your hand. 5 lbs. I own two. Try to beat the sq for 5x the price. Good luck.

When I purchased my Daedalus speakers, eight years ago, I flipped my entire system to a tube based system.  After an extensive search, I purchased a Viva Solistino SET  I.A. The Viva, is  is my long-term hold, with  no plans to replace it. 

Since I have rarely had opportunity to see or hear, or hear of , most of the amps or speakers referenced in this string, I don't have a real opinion to proffer. I was going to go to Reno a few months ago to hear Pass gear while on my way to see family but found RenoAudio no more. I can say that a few years ago I heard a series of integrateds from Belles in NJ with John Rutan and was totally blown away especially by the Virtuoso and Signature units at $4-7k. I could easily live with either assuming their quality has held even. At the same time  the Vandersteen Treos the amps played thru made me tremble with some kind of feeling of audio lust I had not experienced before. I'm actually on the East Coast now and buying a new amp and maybe speakers is high on my list...with my end and the game in sight. This string is just messing me up....

I'm sure there are some good integrateds out there and they can be space-savers but your options will be limited unless it has preamp outputs and power amp ins.

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