Any regrets in selling gear?

By its nature, our hobby/passion for gear encourages buying and selling gear, hoping to land on a final purchase, that point of satisfaction where you can sit back and just enjoy the music without any niggling issues about there mechanics of it all.

That said, is there any gear that you came to regret selling? 


I have, on occasion, sold something that turned out to be more engaging than the thing that replaced it. It usually takes me a while before I notice whether I’m present with the music or drifting away, or wanting to read a magazine. 

I think my path has been zig zag, with some good choices and some choices that were not so hot. But I think I’m in a good spot, with equipment that makes me focus on the music and how it makes me feel. And I have no doubt that I’ll replace some of it down the line with something that doesn’t work as well on my heart. It’s okay - I mostly like the journey.

After 26 years I still kick myself daily for selling: Roksan Xerxes/Rega/Grado/bluepoint, most of my vinyl collection, YBA electronics, Original Totem One, and Martian Logan Sequel. I'm still traumatized.

I bought a Rega P10 turntable last year. A beautiful demo from the merchant . As soon as I plugged it in, I knew that it was not for me. My old Heybrook TT2 upgraded with an Alphason HRS-100 sounded better overall .

Luckily I was able to sell it back within a month without loosing money since I had such a good price on it. Was able to find a used fully upgraded LP12 since and I have no regrets. A bit more expensive but much better. 
Learned a lesson . Always important to listen in your environment with your system. Lol 

Yes, I regretted selling my LP12 turntable five years ago. It wasn’t too much of problem because I was able to buy another better one for not a massive amount more money. The bad part of it was that I also sold my records. I wish I could buy them back for the same amount as replacing them would cost many times what I got for them.