DeVore O/93 or PureAudioProject Duet15 for a First Watt SIT-3?

What do you think would be better for a warm organic late night listening (classic music, opera and jazz)?
Stereophile reviewed the O/93 as a perfect pairing with SIT-3 (even is SIT-3 prefers low impedance speakers).
Duet15 seems to me more sensible (97db vs 93db) (and Steve Guttenberg think are top).
My current speakers are 4ohms / 87db Avalon Indra, absolute fantastic at their 80db listening kingdom.



Only you and a few others have pointed out my posts as interpersonally challenged. And, surprise, these were all DeVore owners. Put criticism of the components you own in the proper perspective. Your speakers are not your children, hell they arent even your dog.



Just voicing my opinion. Believe it or not, the post you first commented on was listed to help, but evidently it served as a trigger. Take some time and find your safe place.