PS Audio Perfect Wave Transport/DAC experiences

I want to know your experience with the PS Audio Perfect Wave combo.
Could you compare with other CD Players ?
Do you use them with or without preamplifier ?
I will apreciate your opinions and experiences.
FYI, my uncle has the PWT/PWD and he thinks it is the best he's owned period. It replaced the Wadia 931 processor. Before that he had the Esoteric P01VU and the D01VU with the G0-Rb (don't know if there was a VU version of the clock but if it existed - he owned it :).

He flat out told me that the PWD/PWT combo is better in every way. Before the Eoteric stuff he has the Metronome Kalista but I don't remember the dac he had teamed with it (I know he had the Vekian so it may have been that unit teamed with the Kalista). All this to say, I know someone I trust and has owned some of the best rated gear out there and he chose the PS Audio front end. Just food for thought.
i recently took my pair to a friends house to try some connection combo's out. he sounds alot your uncle regarding equiptement history (big esoteric fan). two days after our session, he ordered a pwt/pwd. he has since made similar comments like your uncle regarding the duo.

my exposure to top teir gear is very limited so i can't make such comments. just passing on the info for what it worth.
Levy03 I will be doing comparisons in the coming few months of the PWD with the MSB Plat dac 3 and my modified Bidat I will be posting my findings on this site.
Audiofun: look forward to reading your thoughts. i understand the mods turn out really nice.
