Enough is Enough

I've been looking at changing my DAC. I was considering Lampizator, Playback Designs, and Ideon. Recently a dealer basically told me(with the exception of my subwoofer and music server) my system sucks. He went on to say, I should sell my amps, preamp, DAC, speakers, and start all over! I've owned several different speakers, amplifiers, and DACs. I've attended shows and several different dealers show rooms. In fact, I directly compared one of the amplifiers the dealer recommended to a Rowland 625 S2 amplifier and preferred the 625 S2. I didn't build my system in a vacuum. I determined what I wanted to spend, listened and purchase what I preferred. I've been in sales and submit it would have been better to recommend a DAC that would improve my system. So now I say, maybe enough is enough; because no matter what I have some dealer will tell me it's crap and I have to start over. 


@ricred1, I suggest you ignore your retailer and maybe find a new one. BTW, my retailer also said negative things about my components. Listen to your ears and what sounds great to you.

This is why I practically stopped going to dealers 20 years ago. I was even told to change music I listen to - all because THEIR system didn't sound any good with MY source material. Call BS and walk away. 

hgeifman and mikhailark,

Thanks for the response to my post. I guess it’s unreasonable to expect an Audio dealer to actually help a customer without insulting what they have.