REL S510 or S812

Hello all

Im buying a new sub. Ive narrowed my search down to REL. My budget is enough for a new S510 or used S812. My system is dual purpose so Sub has to be good at HT and 2 channel. Thats why ive landed on REL. Im not a fan of buying used because of warranty consideration mainly, but if the 812 is  considerably better than the 510 I would consider.  Does anyone have first hand experience with these subs?  



I can make the walls rattle if I want😁

I thought i would give you some context as to why I love the sub.  My speakers are Paradim 120H's which have 3 powered 8" woofers that claim to have an off axis response down to 20hz. They have fantastic bass. ( great speaker) Anyway,  my 812 crossover is set to about 30hz and the volume is only 4 or 5 clicks up.  So it basically just fills put the bottom end and expands the sound stage. If u want to impress the neighbors or buddies with some techno or hip hop, crank it half way and Holly crap!!! Tight and controlled.....Bad Ass.... Im sure there are other great subs out there but that's my 2 cents. 

Good luck

Yes! Thanks for the reply. I somewhat jokingly write these things but there is an undercurrent to music, almost at the atmospheric level, that is great to connect to. I had a pair of Verity Parsifal Anniversary that held this space well. It really takes a $20k plus main to start to create this foundation. 

Reason would say this line has been out for about 4-5 years. Are they clearing the inventory for a new launch? 

No clue buddy.  Even If they are, new isn't always better.  If there's a good deal and you've decided on REL I'd take the plunge. 

No clue buddy.  Even If they are, new isn't always better.  If there's a good deal and you've decided on REL I'd take the plunge.