Do you have a perfect digital marriage?

Please share with others if you have a perfect digital marriage. 

Do you have a streamer (brand and Model) that you have paired with a DAC (brand and model) that has created a blissful marriage creating the best harmony you have heard?

What are the aspects of the sound you really like?

For example  HiFi Rose RX RS130 streamer fed by fiber optic ethernet connected I2S to Denafrips Pontus II, 12th Anniversary DAC.

Organic, clean, musical, great separation of instruments, dynamic

How's you marriage going?

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Yes. Playback Designs MPS-X streamer> P Link> MPD-8 DAC. Organic, vinyl like sonics...Some might get close but that combo cannot be beat by any other pair regardless of price. 

Well it’s all subjective and what one hears someone else may not but here goes.

sonic transporter i5 (gen3)> signature redu se> Denafrips DDC Gaia > Denafrips Terminator II (12th)   Cables matter… cables matter 

believe the hype it changes everything

I had my MM Tambaqui for a bit before it was courted by the beautiful and capable Grimm MU1.  A perfect match.  But many friends upstream contribute to the marriage; A JCAT M12 Switch powered by a Sean Jacobs PS, A GTT DeJitterit Switch and Clean Modem are next, with quality ethernet cabling and a Muon Pro Ethernet Filter were all on the honeymoon.

I have a Emotiva TA1 DAC/amp driven from my desktop via Toslink to the Dac and that is driving a pair of Ohm 2000 Walsh omnis along with a pair of PC2000 SVS subs. Very happy with the overall sound, though the Ohm's need a bit more power than the lightweight amp in the dac provides. That's the next upgrade...planning on trying a Hypex class D amp with 500 wpc. I have reason to believe it will be a nice upgrade.

Win11 PC using Audirvana Studio reading Flac files and sent via USB to
 Pontus 2-12th-1 DAC,, XLR out to Schitt Freya S ( non tube )  Pre-Amp has
Two RCA outs, one to  Decware Torii Jr V2 and the other to older Velodyne Sub,
Torii Jr V2 out to fully updated  1987  La Scala/s  via braided cables


Great sound stage - Dac and Pre-Amp made significant differences. Audirvana Studio has many software adjustments which can help tune your resulting sound. I believe the Decware amp likes gain and therefore does better with the pre-amp. I believe in system synergy , your components need to match up in more ways than just connecting cables. The mini pc does not give out any identifiable noise in my system and remember all pro streamers are PC's or  or single board computers  ( think Raspberry Pi ) underneath the metal box.