Those Focals were efficient enough to use Tubes for both Pre and Amp which is what I think would give you a preferred sound.
Never heard them, I wondered why you thought the Focals pair of 10" drivers too big for your room, had a quick learn. Perhaps this explains it: "the Powerflow double port system, which greatly enhances the performance of the bass. "
My room is similar 14 x 24 and I have a pair of 3 ways with 15" woofers, horn mid, horn tweet. Previously used JSE Model II’s with a 12" and 10" with Richard Modafferi’s patented Phase Shift Bass as well as his Infinite Slope Crossover which Joseph Audio still uses to great respect. He gets both extension out of the 12 and 10 together, and tames them, Focal doesn’t tame them, and adds additional untamable port output
Electrovoice Engineers helped me design my enclosures (drivers were originally in a Fisher President II Console), they have a rear port that is closed here, I used them open in prior location with an open room behind the speakers.
Richard Modafferi’s Patents

I vary the toe-in depending if one centered listener or two off-center listeners

Toe In Alternates
I bet JSE Model II’s would sound awesome in your space.

My friend has my Models II’s, they still sound awesome, I just missed my inherited speakers
A pair in Texas, make an offer, a road trip to hear them, or pay UPS to pack and ship to you. Seller says Rosewood, but they are walnut stained red I bet.