DAC Magic or MF V-DAC?

Second system consists of Wadia 170i Ipod transport to analog tube integraded amp (PrimaLuna Prologue Two).
Looking for D/AC in the $500 range. Seems everyone has positive thoughts on both the DAC Magic and MF V-DAC units.
In that price range, am I correct in thinking this is the two logical options? If so, could you steer me in either direction?
Thanks in advance for any comments.
The V-DAC did considerably better in a test in HIFICRITIC. Also beat out the Benchmark. I bought one on the basis of it, not broken yet as I just got it yesterday.
you might also want to check out the Music Hall 25.2 DAC. With a NOS tube, a tube damper, and some vibration isolation it is quite good.
I liked the Music Hall better than the Cambridge but I would still want to go higher. Between the Benchmark and the Apogee Mini-DAC I'd choose the second. Haven't heard the V-DAC yet, maybe it beats the Apogee.