What to do next???

My system consists of a Marantz Sr-8000 reciever, Pioneer DV-05 DVD player (also used for CD playback), and MB Quart QL S 1030 speakers with DH Labs T-14 bi wired cables and BL-1 interconnects. I am on a reasonable budget and am wondering what the best course of action is for the next level of listening quality and enjoyment. A new dedicated CD player? I'm looking to spend about $500 bucks. By the way, should I use the DAC in the DV-05 or the Marantz? Opinions? Scott
I would make your source your number one concern. All others come secondary in my opinion. I don't know much about the pioneer, but you might want to compare the sound of the pioneer to say a Rega Planet CD player which can be bought used for about 500.00. I have a friend who bought the planet and it was a big improvement over Rotel 855. The Planet is on the laid back side which I would think might match well with an integrated solid state receiver.
As long as you have some respectable gear up front, changing your speakers will make an infinitely greater difference than electronics in your perceived sound. Once you have some great speakers, then you can start to bring out their subtle qualities by upgrading your electronics. Although I have an all LINN system, I don't subscribe to their philosophy. My personal experience has taught me that the chain begins with the speakers - not the source. You'll be broke if you try to keep up with that racket. Once you have a solid system you can try out different sources at your whim - but you'll know the basics are their.
As long as you have some respectable gear up front, changing your speakers will make an infinitely greater difference than electronics in your perceived sound. Once you have some great speakers, then you can start to bring out their subtle qualities by upgrading your electronics. Although I have an all LINN system, I don't subscribe to their philosophy. My personal experience has taught me that the chain begins with the speakers - not the source. You'll be broke if you try to keep up with that racket. Once you have a solid system you can try out different sources at your whim - but you'll know the basics are their.
I would change source to a dedicated CD player such as Parasound CDC1500 I got mine new at auction for about $350 it use the Burr/Brown chipset that has become so popular. As for the Dac in your Pioneer or the Marantz, I would choose the one that you like the sound of better. After all its your ears that need to be satisfied in the end. I do agree with the others that the speakers are the most important. Have fun and happy listening.