Some additional insight was offered by Aurender tech support. I owned an A20 for about a year and had spoke to and emailed them a few times throughout my ownership. Their support/service is top notch. They felt that since I only had the Audioquest Cinnamon when using the W20 that I never was able to realize its full potential. Unfortunately I didn't yet have access to the Clearer Audio Silver Line cable that sounds so good with the Node Nano.
I ordered the Audio Envy digital coax and the Snake River Boomslang today so will have more cables to audition in the next week or so.
Whatever cable I end up with I am sure I will try more streamers over time...maybe even another Aurender like the N20 or W20SE. That is one thing I enjoy about the used market. I am fine with buying and selling a piece of equipment like that and sometimes you may lose a few hundred or may even make a few hundred.