ATC SCM40A speakers

Considering the purchase to replace my B&W 803 D3 pair. 

Have read nothing but rave reviews about the ATCs.

Would appreciate anyone's opinion who has first hand experience with ATCs, particularly the SCM40A.

Thanks in advance.


we are an atc dealer the 40 a are incredibly life like  and when used with a good premp dac creates a truly practical minimalist setup


Dave and Troy

Audio intellect NJ

atc dealer



I had a quick listening session (about an hour) last week with the SCM40 passive. 
Liked them a lot. I haven’t heard the 803D3 in the same system but based on my experience owning B&W N803 and listening to 803D3 on multiple occasions, the ATC are more laid back, warmer and not as detailed right out of the gate. They’re engaging and natural sounding. They image very well. Takes time to begin appreciating their sound - they won’t smack you in the face with resolution.
Totally different design as well - the ATC are sealed cabinets whereas the B&Ws are ported. The passive ATC are easier to drive than the B&Ws.
I would recommend listening before buying. If you like the resolving power of the B&Ws and your system is tuned and optimized with the 803D3, expect to potentially begin making additional changes that would re-align the sonic signature to better suit the more laid back back and warmer ATCs. 
Keep in mind I’m referring to the passive version. I can’t speak to what the active ones sound like. 

Are you looking at the pair for sale on USAM?

Quite the discount off retail...