Enough is Enough

I've been looking at changing my DAC. I was considering Lampizator, Playback Designs, and Ideon. Recently a dealer basically told me(with the exception of my subwoofer and music server) my system sucks. He went on to say, I should sell my amps, preamp, DAC, speakers, and start all over! I've owned several different speakers, amplifiers, and DACs. I've attended shows and several different dealers show rooms. In fact, I directly compared one of the amplifiers the dealer recommended to a Rowland 625 S2 amplifier and preferred the 625 S2. I didn't build my system in a vacuum. I determined what I wanted to spend, listened and purchase what I preferred. I've been in sales and submit it would have been better to recommend a DAC that would improve my system. So now I say, maybe enough is enough; because no matter what I have some dealer will tell me it's crap and I have to start over. 


Why don’t you state what your Audio system contains and maybe myself or others maybe suggest something, synergistic not it all depends what exactly you are looking to improve and $$ how much to spend .. I have been into Audio 40+ years 

owned a Audio store for a decade spent more then a nice home on Audio 

and now I am semi retired I now try to get the most out of my budget 

for less then 1/2 of my old $100 k + system , now I am using the latest technologies to be my guide , in amplifiers I am ready to get the new Final product from class D Audio their GanFet transistor Class D amp mono blocks total different ball game .

like a stun gun small but packs a punch  each Ganfet 90:amps x4 in just mono block ,dynamic great control very detailed neutral but not bright it just gets out of the way , I had mine tweaked with all Furutech connectors Hifi tuning fuses 

it comes stock with  WBT connectors ,  6 lbs each 300 wpc into 4 ohms 5000+ watt peaks for under $2500, a true find in 2 weeks starts production  can’t wait I had the prototype..  I sell Denafrip digital and excellent quality ,build for your Buck and competes well with Anythung in its price the New Gen15  clsss I am very happy with ,the 12th not so much so . Yes there is much better out there I don’t have $20k just for my dac. My new Innuos Zenith Mk3 is excellent 3- LPS power supplies nice Teac cd ripper ,SS drive great Sense app interface  and very intuitive 

and well thought out total vibration treatment throughout even their feet , hospital grade input filter and isolation transformers for the streamer and lan input as well as the output to the dac . Tubulus my go to Digital cables v throughout and fair priced .  And use a LPS power supply from your router- modem combo 

it truly lowers your noise floor alot , That $5 wall wart just adds noise to your system , Linear Tube Audio best LPS by a Mile for $700: on Audiogon .

try it your like it !!


You really should try the Wyred4sound 10th anniversary DAC, one of the reviewers put it up against his VPI turntable with a $5,000 Japanese cartridge and he said that the 10th anniversary DAC was every bit as analog sounding, on that review I decided to try it and boy he was not wrong most analog sounding DAC I've had in my system and the bonuses they give you a 30-day trial period if you don't like it you could send it back and get your money back, I obviously did not, It's that good. and this is your friend in Canada Chris telling you that.


I agree with others that that one dealer sounds like a jerk.  I've not run into that with the dealers I've talked with (mostly West Coast), but I've mostly been buying online for a long time.

From what I've heard from several YouTube reviewers I respect, the Chord Dave is a very detailed DAC.  I don't know if you can have that and also have a natural, "musical" presentation.  You might want to consider the Denafrips or other R2R DACs that strive to sound more like analog.  I'm getting the Denafrips Venus 15th on Monday, which as audioman58 says above, is essentially like the former Terminator at a lower price.  I also considered the Holo DACs, but they wouldn't allow for 1024k DSD playback of my SACDs, if I understand them correctly.  They would be another to consider if you don't care about highest-resolution playback of SACDs.