If you measured the frequency response of each speaker independently at your listening position they would show huge differences, mainly in the bass to midrange regions. It may sound ok, but each speaker is broadcasting a very different tonal balance. Listen to one at a time to hear the difference.
The good news is that a wider spread can sound great, in fact that is what I prefer. Based on the recommendation of a local dealer who sells speakers that like to be near the corners I tried a wide spread and now cannot live without it, kind of like an IMAX sound stage.
My ratio is 1.18 to one, meaning if your speakers are 13 feet apart, make sure your ears are about 11 feet from left ear to left speaker, right to right etc.
To make sure you don't have any holes in the center stage image, play a mono recording and adjust the toe angle of each speaker so that the center image vocals sound full and even with a well defined image.