Burmester 218.....

I am glad to see Burmester is being talked about on these forums, they are superb gear in my opinion.

if you haven't had the chance to hear the 218 do yourself a favor and take a listen, I started my Burmester journey with a 956mk2, upgraded to a 911mk3, upgraded to the 216 and have now settled on the 218

going up a level with each amp they all got better, more dynamics, deeper/wider soundstage better control, you name it, drastically better.  the speed and dynamics of the 218 is as good as I have heard in quite some time

just wanted to share some of my journey and joy of owning Burmester, highly recommend.


@zuesman LOL, no intention to buy, you just wanted to compare, not much of a life there buddy and wasting a salesman time and energy, but again, we both know this is a fairytale, enjoy your amp and have a nice weekend, im off to my dealer, gonna compare my Burmester to there amps to convince myself I made the right decisionwink

like I said phone every dealer in Canada and you'll hit the right one and you'll see that you're the one that's in the fairytale and what I do with my time is up to me and if I want to go compare my amp to another one that's up to me as well I just wanted to prove that a $29,000 Canadian amp is better than a $50,000 and a $70,000 amp made in Germany which I did, so you're the one that's a fool wasting $100,000 on 2 amps that aren't as good and like I said before even if you think they're better they're going to be so incrementally better that it's not worth double the money like the saying goes the law of diminishing returns. my system is no slouch It's worth $85,000, and if you bother to do any research you will find out that the rectangular OCC single crystal wire is far superior to anything OFC like companies like transparent charge $70,000 for you got to be an absolute idiot to spend that much money on a piece of wire lol.

Yes keep convincing yourself of that lol You're comparing them to the dealers amps what other amps are you comparing them to at least I told you what amps I compared, and if you think spending $50,000 on an amp is smart keep thinking that lol. but it's your money if you want to waste it go right ahead, like I said I didn't think the Burmester was bad it was very very good actually but technology moves ahead and the MDCA circuitry that SIM audio has developed is a game changer and this app will definitely go up against 50 and $70,000 amps and be better or as good and obviously you haven't heard the 861 so you can't make any comments can you? since I own it and have and have now taken the trouble to take it down to a Burmester dealer and compared them I can make an honest opinion and the Burmester is not worth twice the price of the 861.

I think this may be the definition of "thread crapping".

Ckr1969, enjoy your amp!

Zuesman, we see you dude.