Herman, the word you omitted in describing the input impedance of the EMIA is “high”. The EMIA has a high input Z to facilitate using it with LOMC cartridges that work best into high-ish impedance, specifically cartridges that have high internal resistance, like some Denons and some Benz cartridges or low output MI cartridges that have high inductance, even though their internal resistance can be low. In such cases the EMIA can safely be mated to their SUTs while still properly loading LOMCs with high internal R.
On the issue of the needed accuracy of RIAA, I tend to agree with you that there is such a thing as “close enough” to perfect; I would not choose one phono with .05 db accuracy over another with 0.1db accuracy, if I otherwise preferred the SQ of the latter one, but the argument that can be made for very high accuracy is why add another source of error (= distortion) to a reproductive process that is already fraught with other sources of distortion? I think there is such a thing as accurate enough.