Meridian 808.2 CD Player......

If anyone has listened to or owns this player - your opinions would be appreciated .....
I have not but HIFICRITIC has done extensive reviews on it. They are not on line as it takes no ads and depends on mag sales but with an investment of this magnitude I would order the relevant back issue or issues. I can't give more info as my copies were destroyed by my basement flood and I am in the process of ordering replacements. I have purchased several things that I could not hear myself on the basis of their tests and am yet to be disappointed.
Stereophile's John Atkinson reviewed it

It has different digital filtering (apodizing digital filter). John Atkinson named it the best player he ever heard (it better be for $16k)
.....thanks guys - but looking for someone who has listend to this player or who owns one - somebody out there has to own one of these !!!!