Don’t buy used McCormack DNA 1990s amps

This is a public service announcement.  There are some yahoos on other sites selling 1990s McCormack DNA amps, sometimes at ridiculous prices.  While they’re great amps, and I happily owned a DNA 0.5 RevA for 20 years, they’re all gonna fatally fail.  Why?  Because their input board is at the end of its useful life, and when it fails your amp is dead and not repairable by anyone — not even SMcAudio.  It’s a boat anchor.  The only option is to sell it for scraps or get an SMcAudio upgrade that’ll cost around $2000.  Given my love of my amp I chose to do full upgrades given what else I could’ve gotten for the same same price and just got it back and will forward thoughts if anyone cares.  But the purpose of this post is to warn off any prospective buyers of a circa 1990s DNA amp that it’ll fatally fail soon, so unless you get a great price and plan on doing the SMcAudio upgrades just avoid these amps on the used market.  You’ve been warned. 


@fishagedone So, here’s the thing, I just flat out don’t believe your little story and it strains credibility in every way. I don’t know what your motivation is, but for you to come here and try to denigrate a company of the highest integrity is disgusting. At the very least you’re misrepresenting that the salesman you were dealing with works for SMcAudio because they don’t have any salespeople.  It’s just Steve and Patrick and that’s it. 

This story seems very odd to me too.  What you describe is 180 degrees from any experience I have ever had with SMc Audio. You may have been speaking with a former customer or possibly another industry professional who has a loose association with SMc Audio and ended up too far over their skis when trying to sell an amplifier. In my over 20 years of dealing with them, I have never heard of them pressuring anybody to do anything.

At this point, SMc Audio is mostly a very small boutique craftsman shop and they usually have all the work they need.   As far as I know there are only two principal employees and I doubt you were speaking with either of them.  Their bespoke manufacturing model is maybe not for everyone but most of us who have their stuff understand the high level of quality and value of their products.  IME, they are extremely good people to work with.

Look, i don’t have any motivation to denigrate or anything of the sort. Your insinuation that sharing my honest experience is "disgusting " is ridiculous. So if a customer has a truthful experience that doesn’t align with your particular company’s narrative you resort to baseless and false attacks? Please, get over yourself. The world isn’t limited to experiences that always align with your preconceived notions. And at the end of the day, my point is to always ask for transparency, detailed information and check with market data.  Every consumer should be advocates for such behavior . 

As far as you claiming I’m misrepresenting the salesperson, I already explained it was an authorized agent I primarily dealt with. However I do believe the $10.5k asking price for the refurbished amp without balanced inputs was set by the company, allegedly that encompassed a commission, which I found odd since I never paid a commission on any of my equipment before.

Again, at the end of the day, it wasn’t a good experience for me personally. And I would just advise to do your homework and proceed with appropriate due diligence especially when buying anything custom. Apparently, these amps and associated refurbishment work depreciate quick and don't have a large resale market, so be prepared my fellow consumers.

My question is this. How did you come in contact with this "sales person"? Did you call sMC audio or did they reach out to you? Is this a third party "sales person" who has nothing to do with sMC? I really doubt that you spoke with Patrick or Steve. Please give more information for such a damning post.