@zuesman its my thread/topic, you are the one that should go, we get it, Sim is the best, Burmester is overpriced crap, got it. reality is I bet you have never heard the Burmester, like I said before, makes zero sense to drag your amp to compare with something you have no desire to own, ive read some of your other post, you are the guy that is telling everyone they are wrong and you are right, how to spend there money to enjoy there system, you can can spend so much less and have superior sound, blah blah, blah
reality, Burmester is a superior product over sim, end of story. does sim make a great product, yes, but is it better than Burmester, NO. I know, Burmester has around 15 dealers in the USA compared to so many Sim dealers, means nothing other than Burmester is much more exclusive about there dealers and lets face it, there's fewer dealers because of price, supply and demand, alot more demand for lower priced gear since many more can afford it, that's simple economics.
I hope you have a great holiday cause you seem like a miserable person always trying to prove yourself on this forum under several other names, enjoy your cables, sim and monitor audio, im sure its a nice system for you and your family