rotel 1072 skipping

hello  my hotel 1072 was purchase with some b w 804 s, since the first, it started skipping , bought new power, am using vibration mufflers, nothing works  any ideas? thanks


from a prior discussion here

"I discovered the problem. One of the two springs which help to hold the compact disc in place on the tray had come loose. I re-attached it and all is fine again, no skips. Thanks to all who replied."

another find

"on the Rotel, its has focus issues when it skips, with lots of adjusting going on with the laser."

after you clean it, you can watch with the cover off, lasers get weak as they age, when researching, I found SACD players have trouble with SACD layers 1st when they get old.

and, a mystery temp fix

"I also have the RCD-1072, it acts up like that every 6 months or so. I turn the power off and remove the power cord in the back for a couple of seconds, then power it back up and it plays fine. I have no idea what the cause is, but otherwise it is a good solid player."

then again, cleaning, no amount of observation will reveal this

"it's not the laser itself that no longer performs, but the attendant capacitors that are out of spec and need replacing. That should be considered, if you find a tech to help you.".

a new lens kit may be between $20 - 40 on ebay from Asia, worth a try, if nothing else works. 

Great suggestions.  Most "laser failures" are not the actual laser but rather mechanical problems. I had a Rotel player many years ago with a swing arm laser that quit reading at the disc extremes.  One drop of transmission fluid on the pivot bearing fixed the problem.  

Always satisfying saving and old player from the landfill.