Best $5,000 system for a small apt. in Stockholm

My sister is taking a new job in Stockholm starting next week. She will be living in a small apartment during the week, and commuting to Paris to be with her family on weekends.

Anyway, she needs a small system for music on those nights she'll be alone in Stockholm. She has been a professional musician (First Flute for NJ Symphony Orc. and a substitute flute/piccolo player for the Metropolitan Opera), so she has a keen ear.

Ideally the system should have the following characteristics:
* CD-based playback
* Small footprint
* An iPod dock
* stand-mounted 2-way speakers
* ability to work with different AC power standards (switchable power supply, for instance).

If it were for me, I'd probably get a Jadis Orchestra amp, some Green Mountain speakers, and a decent CD player and call it a day. But she can't/won't deal with tubes, altho she appreciates listening to my all-tube systems. Also she has no room for vinyl (and besides, I have all her LP's!!)

So I'm looking for recommendations for the best Solid State $5k system for a small apartment. Also I have no local knowledge of what great speakers might be available locally in Stockholm. But I'll probably get the electronics here and take them over to her.

I'm not looking for a who's who list of components. I'm looking for system synergies, something you've heard that sounds good together. For instance, what sounds great with a Naim Nait integrated, or a Creek Destiny amp, or whatever. Or the ideal one-box solution from Linn or Arcam or the best small Triangle or Reynaud systems you've heard.

Then I'll go shopping/listening & see if I can help her set it up. Don't know room size yet (she doesn't have an apartment yet). But this is a sector of the market I've never shopped so I can use all the help I can get!

Thanks in advance!
Did you know there is an ipod dock that is tubed output stage?

There is. Small. Self contained. outputs to whatever.

A local seller nearby did have a supply of them not long ago. If interested I'll check in with him to see or give you the link.

Add that to whatever int + speakers you or she prefer and you'd be set, and the thing is self biasing so it's plug and play.
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