2 separate sets of speakers one amp

Hey guys got a plinius 8200 and 2 separate sets of speakers is there any way to have some sort of splitter in between then so I don't have to unplug one set and go into the other appreciate any tips


mine is being delivered tomorrow by DHL, amazingly quick service from Japan


MapleTree Audio Design owner Al Freundorfer, makes very affordable hand built amp/speaker switches using all point to point wiring, "engineering to order". He is more than willing to add upgrades (interior wiring, connectors, etc. I have his 2 amp to 2 speaker switch, but he also builds RCA and XLR switches.

Can't find the invoice right now, but I thought his prices were much more than fair.


When I went over 2 pairs of speakers and wanted to try bi- or even tri-amping with an addition of a sub is when I considered a distribution amp, beyond the disdain of the purists.

Now, with 6 discrete amps on a single chassis, each of which can be driven separately or driven by a common input.

Each can be switched to mono separately; each can drive 2 pairs of speakers with it's own levels or even discrete delay if desired.

Perhaps not SOTA, but 'clean enough' with no real differences between the amps' output qualities...and a common line out if one has to have More....

One can spend the rough equivalent of a decent one in/two out for new, or get a used for substantially less.  And each amp had it's own protection circuit if you get too frisky.... ;)

But...to each...

About a year ago, I asked the same question and got most of the same answers.  I chased down every one of the suggestions and found that most of the products were no longer being sold, much less supported.

The remaining few didn't seem to be audiophile-worthy for my modest system ($19K T+A electronics & Harbeth speakers), so I gave up on the idea and redesigned my entire speaker topology.  That worked and it may have been a big PITA at the time, but I'm much happier with having gone that way today.  I think if I'd installed one of what I'd consider "good enough for now" boxes, it would always be my weakest link.

Yeah, I know, YMMV, but that was my specific experience.

PS: @vthokie83 's recommendation for a bespoke solution also sounds like a good idea if SQ is your absolute highest priority.   +1 to that!