What % Of Your System Are Your Cables?

IMO, the “10% rule” for cable expenditure really should be stated as “when you’re building a new system and you have a limited budget, allocate 10% to cables” and I think this is a good idea. But again IMO, this is not necessarily the stopping point. I recently purchased some new cables and I was wondering, hopefully without getting into the cable debate, what percentage of your system do you have invested in cables?  No need to go into brands or actual cost, unless you want to. With my new purchase, I would say I’m around 25% depending on whether you count my analog rig as part of the system price, as I did not buy any new cables for the TT, because my TT has captive cables. Probably up to about 30% without the analog.  I understand the percentage numbers can be highly deceiving if you bought used. 25% used is probably about 50% of your system price if you bought new. Anyway, just curious to see what you’re doing with cables. Be well. 


@oberoniaomnia does this also mean you have no power conditioning? 

Some people are lumping that in with cabling.  And I have to say, adding a Gemini 8 from Shunyata was a massive difference.  I preferred a Cardas Parsec power cable for my amplifier over $2k nordost power cables or $400 shunyata ones.  I also have a fully treated room that I built so the ability to hear differences is not subtle in there.  I was a huge cable hater (copper is copper, 1s and 0s are just that).  Until I made friends with a local high store owner.  This relationship has cost me some dough.  But my system literally sounds twice as good.  Shunyata venom x speaker cables, alpha USB for audio interface(yes it makes a difference sorry to say for your bank account) and proper 20A circuits, and proper power cabling is quite massive.  Counting the power conditioning, and considering the cost of room treatments etc, I'm probably at 15% cables

Wow. That many of you keep spreadsheets or are math savants, like me. Not.

A true audiophile never kisses and tells his/her/they/them/their spouse what that connect costs. If you are partnered that’s the only person who might be unimpressed. Confess and face cacophony or set it and forget it. I went with door number two.

Survey says....Maybe 15% +/- but if counting dedicated room, treatments and furniture then a whee small percentage.

Less than 2%. I’ve made my own speaker cables out of 10 gauge OFC wire with rhodium plated banana plugs that have securing screws. I’ve tried some expensive cables and could not hear any improvement. Maybe my old ears, maybe not. My interconnects are inexpensive SVS RCA to the Subwoofer and Cable Matters XLR short length 1.5’ between pre and power amps.  I use the equipment manufacturers power supply cables. I have a 3 Kw battery back up that supplies pure sine wave 120v ac power, so I tried that in place of the mains but could not notice a difference. My system is dead quiet in between tracks, no hum even at elevated volume. I’m extremely pleased with the sound and believe the biggest differences I’ve heard is from speakers.