@oberoniaomnia does this also mean you have no power conditioning?
Some people are lumping that in with cabling. And I have to say, adding a Gemini 8 from Shunyata was a massive difference. I preferred a Cardas Parsec power cable for my amplifier over $2k nordost power cables or $400 shunyata ones. I also have a fully treated room that I built so the ability to hear differences is not subtle in there. I was a huge cable hater (copper is copper, 1s and 0s are just that). Until I made friends with a local high store owner. This relationship has cost me some dough. But my system literally sounds twice as good. Shunyata venom x speaker cables, alpha USB for audio interface(yes it makes a difference sorry to say for your bank account) and proper 20A circuits, and proper power cabling is quite massive. Counting the power conditioning, and considering the cost of room treatments etc, I'm probably at 15% cables