Please talk me out of buying the Avalon Eclipse

I have found a good deal on these, never heard the Avalon speakers. Is the Eclipse  still a good speaker today? I say talk me out because I have to drive 12 hrs to get them!


I have never purchased a pair of speakers unheard in my entire 40 year audiophile journey.  Speakers are far too subjective for anyone to take a chance on purchasing without auditioning them first.  My recommendation to you would be to, if the speakers are that compelling to you, then you'll have to just go ahead and bite-the-bullet and make the long drive so you can audition them first.  That would be the wise (financial) thing to do.  Happy listening.   


I  drove 7 hours over 20 years ago to a small high end store in Rochester NY to pick up a beautiful pair of Spendor 9/1s! They were worth it.

IDK, 30 years old with drivers that are discontinued? I'd pass. there's speakers out there that can sound very good that have support.

Many years ago . I am looking for R3 Red rose speakers , they showed used $1500 and I bought them without hearing them. Iam happy . If you have time to drive. Why not buy them. If you have a friend to go with you is even better.Avalon speakers are good .$700 ?  Get them.

one more: find something that someone wants where the speakers are from where you are. If could be a wedding cake, runaway bride, contraband, exotic bird, back of the speaker some member managed to saw off, whatever. They will probably pay you more than your trip would cost.