Please talk me out of buying the Avalon Eclipse

I have found a good deal on these, never heard the Avalon speakers. Is the Eclipse  still a good speaker today? I say talk me out because I have to drive 12 hrs to get them!



I  drove 7 hours over 20 years ago to a small high end store in Rochester NY to pick up a beautiful pair of Spendor 9/1s! They were worth it.

IDK, 30 years old with drivers that are discontinued? I'd pass. there's speakers out there that can sound very good that have support.

Many years ago . I am looking for R3 Red rose speakers , they showed used $1500 and I bought them without hearing them. Iam happy . If you have time to drive. Why not buy them. If you have a friend to go with you is even better.Avalon speakers are good .$700 ?  Get them.

one more: find something that someone wants where the speakers are from where you are. If could be a wedding cake, runaway bride, contraband, exotic bird, back of the speaker some member managed to saw off, whatever. They will probably pay you more than your trip would cost. 

@jayctoy speaking of R3. I think it was 2001 CES when Mark Levinson was promoting them the very first time. I got to meet him too. He was saying you don’t need a center speaker if you have good pair of speakers. They were very good I remember. Good times. Now, CES isn’t fun for me.