HiFiMan - A Contronym - A Story Retold

Hifiman, a name  prominent for excellence (SQ) and inferiority (build, reliability, customer service).  The story has been told many times.  I will briefly relate a recent example.  I have a pair of HE6SE V2s.  I bought them fully cognizant of their poor build quality and uncomfortable headband design.  However, their frequency balance appeals to me and they are a bargain at the discounted prices they are offered for.   I have the HP amplification to drive them properly.  The issue I have is with customer service.  The thin, cheep, leather covering to the headband is flaking off even at non contact points. I do not have an issue poor build quality because I knew about this prior to purchase.  The issue is that the cans are still in production and offered new but they will not sell me a replacement headband.  I would not have an issue if they were out of production.  But this is poor customer relations to not sell a replacement since parts are in stock.  Their solution is to offer trade in for a newer model.  I do not want a new model, most of which while providing more detail are brighter and leaner.   I do not want the spend associated with an upgrade. I just want a new headband, not new cans. So, for now it’s an aftermarket headband cover and eventually an after market Audeze style banded headband.  It will be higher quality and more comfortable.  Sorry for venting.  


@larsman You have a state of the art set of cans.   I love their detail and clarity while maintaining a liquid and un-etched treble.  Their timbre is true and bass and dynamics very good.  The treble response is where I have issue with their newer models -a little to up for me, except for maybe the Ananda.  I just do not wish to make such a large spend on the Susvara. While my HE6s are less detailed and are a bit darker sounding, and do not stage as well, they have a similarly flat frequency balance and true timbre.  So I will live with there cosmetic quality problems and enjoy the music they reproduce.  You are also spot on with build quality.  While the Susvara is much improved over other models, especially mine, it is still not to the level of Meze, Focal, or Audeze.  

@jsalerno277 - I also recently got Modhouse Tungsten DS. Those are a different kettle of fish from the Susvaras altogether, but I like them equally. 

@larsman Never auditioned a Modhouse product.  Reviews look like excellent SQ and build, but boy, only a 78 dB sensitivity, harder to drive than the Susvera and HE6SE.  My Burmester 032 Integrated has a headphone amp up to the task, but many listeners would not.  

@jsalerno277 - you can't really audition a Modhouse unless you buy one from somebody nearby, used. They're made to order and sold directly. And there's like a year waiting list; I got mine a lot sooner as I got the Modhouse/Enleum package.