Thank you for the generous compliment! I read the suggested reviews on futureaudiophile which were well done - I really like the structure and formatting of their reviews over there. I’ve also been following that audiophilestyle sub on the DAC200 for a while which dives pretty deep into HQ Player and the various filters, which at times is a little over my head. It’s been a great thread to follow.
Steve Huff gets a lot of flack, and his other YT channel is rather “interesting.” Nonetheless, I always appreciated how he articulates characteristics of SQ and differences he hears within his system. I think he does a really good job in this department.
I suspect at this juncture I probably can’t go wrong with either of these DACs. It’s going to come down to subtle characteristics of system synergy, preferences, aesthetics, and feature set. Never know until I make a decision and I try, which will hopefully be sooner rather than later!