Doozy of an amp question

Still looking for my eternal love.

A forever amp. At least for now. I cannot try them out in my system as they are both beasts and it would be a nightmare getting them, paying for an audition and then returning them

I am having to go on instinct.

I have narrowed it down to two very different kinds of amps at two very different price points. And I have chosen these two because of reviews in magazines and the positive comments here and on other forums.


My pre is an Arc Ref 10 and my speakers are Dalis.

I am look at a tube Mc 1502 which I can afford right now or a Sim 861 for which I would have to wait to save for.

I realize it’s tube vs SS but both have their positives and a SS can have tube like characteristics which I like.


I’ve heard Mcintosh and liked it a lot but never heard this model.

I’ve never heard Sim but the reviews and comments about the 861 have been absolutely rhapsodic. And somebody whose opinion I trust said Sim is an excellent brand. But is this a flavor of the month model?


Has anybody heard both these amps. Any thoughts, opinions, advice?




I’m not a Mac fanboy, but if you are looking for a tube sound, check out PS Audio. Your ARC preamp will play well with their BHK 300’s or their new BHK 600’s. Both come with Gold Lion 6922’s in the input section and tube rolling is a snap.

All the best.

Yes as somebody said above it is the Epicon 8 and I don't want an amp with a fan.

I can go into the city and listen to the amps and they want me to listen to the 761 which would save me a lot of money from the 861. Then I read that the 861 on this site is 25% better. That's a lot of better but also a lot of money and I may be overdoing it. I listened to Mcintosh at Harry's of VPI house. It was great but he has quite a setup along with Blades. Unforgettable.

But boy is that 1502 heavy but a lot cheaper.

@roxy1927 If you can I would definitely try to audition your short list if possible.  This is coming from someone who has bought amplifiers over the years without auditioning and been disappointed.  I have listened to the Simaudio 641 integrated and it was quite incredible.  This was setup in a non treated room at a shop in Toronto and it was hooked up to some very nice joseph towers.  

I have a pre so I am looking for an amp. The 761 sounds like it would be very good but then people on this site say the 861 is so much better. But 22K!!!

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