
Discussions roxy1927 has started

Doozy of an amp question450051
Mark Levinson 534 compared to Pass 350.811525
VTL S200 vs VAC 200iq stereo amp.4741
Fo Audio Research Ref 10 owners, Best Amp?151514
For city apartment dweller audiophiles. Have you ever had neighbors banging on your walls?339144
New expensive power cord for amp and no change in sound?23196240
For those familiar with Sonus Faber668820
power cord for pass 250.8376753
For Pass fans who know the product fairly well.6581
Coincident Line Stage Mk II vs Audio Research ref 1012225
Air conditioning for audiophiles.367825
For owners of Allnic phono pre amps32305
For classical music lovers best amp for large orchestral forces?972067
Disadvantages of buying old solid state.313130