Has anyone here had any dealings with Tekton, particularly their subwoofers

As I explore options for replacing equipment I am it seems constantly finding new sources of components to consider. Tekton has appeared on my radar due to another thread here at audiogon. I just wondered if anyone has gone this direction for subwoofers in particular, but I also have questions about their full range speakers and what they are like to deal with. Given that the world of hi-fi has become even more of a smoke and mirrors game than it has been in the past, I am more cautious about who I am willing to throw down money for than I ever have been.



Also from Germany is Geithain, which is an extremely well regarded audio brand in Europe. Ex-GDR, been around forever, very old school. Here are their subwoofers. They’re cardioid, so less likely to suffer boundary interference response issues therefore easier to place and get right.

Geithain has no distribution / service in the US and word is that it’s kind of a labor of love to get their speakers over here, although some folks successfully have.

Good luck with your search!


@deep_333 Thanks for the link for the rythmik F18 sub that looks like a solid possibility. A pair of those should do a decent job of energizing my theater room. Certainly gonna put those on the list. The ascendos, if you look at the specs are 15 db down at 30 Hz, so they wouldnt be on my list.

@devinplombier The lack of distribution in the US is a non starter for me...there are enough things to juggle to try to get a house back in livable condition that taking on the hassle of trying to get something shipped from across the pond kills that as an acceptable situation.

@mark200mph - my dad was a physicist too :) and I agree that we should just enjoy the music. God knows there is enough good music to listen to I will never hear it all.

Op thanks for your response. Rhytmik are good. I have one. Rel are on sale at TMr audio,com . Check them out.

I see them advertised in Stereophile but never heard any since you can only buy direct. A coworker got a pair of the Mini Lore Monitor speakers to give to his son for Christmas in that bright blue finish for him to use in his garage.  My friend is an audiophile and got them out and played them for several days to break them in for his son. He was pretty happy with their sound. $700. He thinks his son will be very happy, especially with how loud they will play without distortion and without having to have a $2000 amp to drive them. 

Is Eric (the owner and designer of Tekton) high-strung? Didn't he threaten a few YouTube flunkies with being sued because of a bad review of some of his other speakers? I can't remember. But even so, my friend thought he was great about communicating when the speakers would be shipped and all that. Plus my friend said they came boxed better than some speakers he has bought costing about $5K.  

@moonwatcher I can't speak to whether Eric is high strung or not, he and I exchanged an email or two and he seemed normal enough in that limited contact.

@jayctoy I have seen other favorable comments about Rel so they are definitely worth checking out. Thank you for the info.