Rein in the winter static

Winter is here and  my furnace is running, the house is dry. Playing records is a nightmare. I have a VPI prime table with the stock felt mat. The static is so bad that the mat clings to record when I remove it.

I'm also concerned about sending a static charge through the system. Any suggestions for controlling static during the winter months? I'm also wondering if a cork mat would be less conducive to static.


Gruv Glide totally kills static. I have posted about this several times if you want to search. Makes playing records much more enjoyable if you have major static issues. 

I bought my Zerostat in 1972, but last year I bought a static charge meter to determine whether the zerostat still works. It does.

Bought the FMX003 on eBay. The cost varies per the vendors, but not more than $250, probably less than $200. Comes from China. Sorry, I did not originally notice that you also asked about price.  There is an FMX004 that costs more, because it reads out to 33kV or some such very high value. The highest charge I have read on an LP that I deliberately charged up by yanking it out of its paper sleeve is about 12kV.  The Zerostat reduced that to about 0.1kV, which is about as low as the sensitivity of the meter when zeroed out.