Apogee Calipers worth anything


I have a pair of Apogee Calipers I bought a couple of months ago on a whim.  Supposedly one works while the other has a hole punched in the diaphragm that needs repair.

After looking at the discussions on these speakers I have decided not to attempt to repair them.  Are they worth anything as parts?  I can hook up the one without a hole to see how it sounds, any issues, etc. 



I can't tell you how many times over the past 15 years or so, I seriously considered purchasing a nice pair of old Apogee speakers.  They're so very tempting.  However, upon further research, I found out that all Apogee speakers are more like ticking time bombs and are probably not worth the investment, unless you're going all-in and plan on having them completely refurbished.           

Thanks for the feedback.  I don't want to invest in bringing them up to spec.  I'll stay with my Vandersteen 2C's.

I picked up a pair of Caliper - Signature for song in Seattle a few months back… I have owned and sold Apogee back in the day… i’ve got a lovely pair of Centaur- Minor in our den…. a very formidable ribbon… seductive..

The Caliper went to a dear friend in Marin… he has an accuphase amp…. fantastic sound.

Your wounded Caliper, especially the bass panel are worthy of selling for parts w care.

Best in music

If you can get it repaired, it's a good speaker. I had them back in 1985 - before I got WATTS. But for parts?? I dunno.