I own thousands of CD, seems a little ridiculous to get rid of them and spend a boat load of money on the same material.
Why Do ~You~ Still Play CDs?
I'm curious why you still play CDs in the age of streaming. I recently got back into CD listening and I'm curious if your reasons align with mine, which are:
- Enjoying the physical medium—the tactile nature of the case, the disc, the booklet, etc.
- Forcing myself to actually listen to an album, versus being easily distracted by an algorithm, or "what's next" in my playlist.
- Actually owning the music I purchase, versus being stuck with yet another monthly subscription.
- ...
- 169 posts total
@roadwhorerecords ridiculous and redundant both :) |
Mine align 100%. Also, my own 150 to 200 live recordings of orchestral, chamber and especially choral recordings often at major venues cannot be duplicated (but they can be digitized). Of my 16,300 CDs, I have about 20% which are not streamed and will probably never be publicaly available again. Third-current streaming quality is 85% of the time inferior to my CD playback using a Lampizator Poseidon DAC/Pre-Amp and Jay's Audio CDt3 Mk3 transport. So, that's six reasons, just like my reasons to listen to my 31,100+ LPs (30% will never be digitized-especially my 2,500+ ethnic music collection and 1,000 comedy albums). |
If I ever I go to streaming it will be for convenience, like others I have maybe 1500. Cd ,200 sacd, 100 xrcd, 25 reference recording, FIM and LIM recording most of them. I do love their sound and many more collectors items cd. I think the comparison of streaming and cds is avery complicated because we all have different listening skillls and systems. |
@roadwhorerecords You’re not streaming for the music you already have, but more for the access to millions of songs, and a lot in hi res you can’t get with CD, that you don’t already have. New music discovery through streaming Qobuz has expanded my enjoyment of audio far more than anything else in my 40+ years as an audiophile. Playing all familiar stuff now seems antiquated and boring by comparison, so deny streaming if you must but you’re really missing out on an amazing musical experience. |
- 169 posts total