tthere are no absolutes as far as quality is concerned.
food, literature, art, or any other aesthetic activity has no absolutes. why ? the standards for evaluation are subjectively determined.
also absolutes requuire certainty , not probability. in the disciplines of mathematics and logoc--the world of abstraction, there are absolutes.
in the world of experience there are no absolutes.
i would welcome an explantion of how something can be absolute in the world of experience.
admittedly such an explantion has no relevance to audio. it is a subject of philosophy.
food, literature, art, or any other aesthetic activity has no absolutes. why ? the standards for evaluation are subjectively determined.
also absolutes requuire certainty , not probability. in the disciplines of mathematics and logoc--the world of abstraction, there are absolutes.
in the world of experience there are no absolutes.
i would welcome an explantion of how something can be absolute in the world of experience.
admittedly such an explantion has no relevance to audio. it is a subject of philosophy.