More than 6,113 Audiogon Members have viewed this ’Krell Moves to new location’ post and 91 people have made comments. While I found everyone’s comments interesting to read, none of them have REALLY answered the one question everyone is asking. What is going on at KRELL INDUSTRIES?
As of today, Krell Industries has NOT yet issued a comprehensive public release addressing its current situation to its customers, retailers, and vendors. While the company has shared limited updates through its new website and social media, many customers remain frustrated by the lack of direct communication. A press release with full details has NOT been released, leaving questions about their operational plans unanswered.
I also do not understand why Krell industries said they will communicate something to Stereophile but send nothing to their customers, retailers and vendors. They also sometimes post to Facebook. This makes zero business sense to me.
Some of these Audiogon posts say Krell Industries has closed and will not reopen. Other people are worried about getting their equipment repaired and/or returned. Some people have provided many details regarding various legal options. There are many other interesting comments.
Everyone wants to know when Krell Industries will send out an official press release with the full details. My answer is I have no clue!
AND, as stated above, "Will the real owner of Krell Industries, please stand up".