Totem Arro specs?

I should probably quit looking at speaker advertisements.  But I clicked on a pop up for the Totem Arro at TMR and the spec sheet seemed interesting to me.

The numbers that don't make sense to me are sensitivity 87 dB and 4 ohm impedance, BUT recommended power 20 to 80 wpc.  That doesn't seem to me like it should be a real easy load to drive, but they are suggesting they don't need much power?

Because I listen near field in a small room, what  truly intrigues me, however, is they have placement guidelines which are:  distance from rear wall 6" to 3', distance apart 2' to 12'.  

Can they really be that friendly and forgiving?



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i has the ARROs in a prior office system. Like all TOTEMs, they are power hungry speakers …They performed optimally for me with a high current 100 wpc integrated amp. It’s the “grunt” that matters …(amps) to drive them properly.

Best of breed partnering = SIMAUDIO. I ran them with an ARCAM FMJ A32 integrated amp that was close to the SIMAUDIO. 

And yes, they were positioned close to the back wall. 

I had these for awhile and enjoyed them. Powered by an ARC VS-110. Listening spot about 5 feet from speakers. The ARC put out about 46 db into 8 ohms and the Arros loved it.