All who wander are not lost, but if you don’t know where you are going…any…road will get you there.
@mksun Lovely system you have in a beautiful room - enjoy !
@noromance naked laser trimmed Vishay = happiness
All who wander are not lost, but if you don’t know where you are going…any…road will get you there. @mksun Lovely system you have in a beautiful room - enjoy ! @noromance naked laser trimmed Vishay = happiness |
This crazy hobby is a journey and no a destination. unless you are one of the rare/select very top net income oxygen breathers, participation in this hobby for the rest of our forum masses is pegged as “good-as-I-can afford, for now,,,” Sure …we attend the audio shows and we wistfully fantasize about an upgrade to the 7 figure rigs with their eye-watering price tags. This is costant tension with that pesky reality check of household budgets, its been a five decade progressive ride for me with four current systems. i am solidly content with staying put with my current “A” system, in the context of it empirically being high-end “good ” in general at its price point , AND contemporaneously “good enough” at my advanced age without an insatiable lust for further major wallet draining upgrades. |
@tomic601 and if one is absolutely lost, another audiophile will pull him out of the whole and give him guidance :) thanks again!!! |
….Gabor my sensei in many dimensions of my life often said two very important things ; Even the change ( read improvement ) agent NEEDS a change agent There are mountains beyond this celebratory peak we stand on now.. Unlike me, he is famous for helping save Porsche For those wishing for more… you don’t need the rarified air of 1% $$$$ to learn to….solder… |