I want to know for those who have arrived got their best system together. What is the story behind how you ended up with your gear and will you be happy for a long time with it.


@phusis  quite the story. Learn all you can. Get the most out of whatever gear you can get your hands on. Use what you have learned through the fullest and enjoy. 

@everyone I have so much more to share. I got into the business side by happenstance. I was allowed to hear the supreme high end early. I had long auditions of equipment that I initially couldn’t afford. Then eventually I out myself in a position to by some of the best stuff.  I got lucky with the Gato Fm6 speaker which is a hidden gem in audio. 14k sounds like a 40 to 50k quality speaker. My Infigo gear rivals the best in the business from a design and performance standpoint. I like instrument heavy music with losts of layering detail and transparency. My system does it in spades. I wouldn’t trade my system for anything 2 to 3 times the price of what I have right now because it’s built on performance not perception. Sound and sound quality over everything.  It’s engaging and I’m over the moon happy. 

All who wander are not lost, but if you don’t know where you are going…any…road will get you there. 

@mksun Lovely system you have in a beautiful room - enjoy !

@noromance naked laser trimmed Vishay = happiness 

This crazy hobby is a journey and no a destination.

unless you are one of the rare/select very top net income oxygen breathers, participation in this hobby for the rest of our forum masses is pegged as “good-as-I-can afford, for now,,,”

Sure …we attend the audio shows  and we wistfully fantasize about an upgrade to the 7 figure rigs with their eye-watering price tags. This is costant tension with that pesky reality check of household budgets,

its been a five decade progressive ride for me with four current systems.

i am solidly content with staying put with my current “A” system, in the context of it empirically being high-end  “good ” in general at its price point , AND  contemporaneously “good enough” at my advanced age without an insatiable lust for further major wallet  draining upgrades. 

When I finally reached the point of 'diminishing returns". In other words, to take the next small step forward just didn't make sense anymore. Audio has always been a rewarding hobby, but there are other things more important. 

Merry Christmas!!