Recommended for Americana Fans: Amanda Ann Platt and the Honeycutters

I spend many hours exploring artists unfamiliar to me on Spotify. This week I came across this band. I’d never come across any mention of them before and thought other Americana fans here might enjoy them.

New York born and transplanted to North Carolina, Amanda Ann Platt is an excellent songwriter who’s asserted she’s as much influenced by Springsteen and Tom Petty as by Classic Country artists. Although a cursory listen might suggest the music is Country (due to the presence of pedal steel and mandolin and the overall rhythmic feel), the writing is more sophisticated and not hobbled by adherence to familiar Country tropes. In other words, it stands up to repeated listening. I particularly like "On The Ropes". On this particular record, the utilization of a Strat, incorporating bluesy bends and a Knopfler-esque tone imparts a Rock tinge that is distinctly different from Tele chicken-pickin’.




"Eden Alley". Maybe a better description would be Americana tinged lyrics and vocals with pop sensibilities.


To my ears, at least, Timbuk 3 sound too far removed from Roots styles to be called Americana.

Another example: the Stones clearly display Country and Blues influences but still, I wouldn’t call them Americana.

Iron and Wine brings up the sticky nature of defining what Americana is. To me, "Our Endless Numbered days" reminds me mostly of 60’s/70’s singer/songwriters who were influenced more by Folk than Tin Pan Alley. It can seem arbitrary after a certain point but yes, FWIW, I would regard Iron and Wine as Americana.