Do I need new tubes?

Until recently, when I turned on my rig it immediately sounded full bodied and rich. In the last few weeks I’ve noticed it doesn’t reach this state immediately, but rather until at least after an hour. From then on it’s fine.
Is this a sign my preamp tubes are aging? My amp is solid state and always on.

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See if you can find a good audio shop close by with sophisticated tube tester, e.g., AVO or TV-7 and have them tested. Or swap all out from back ups, if you have them. Last resort, find a decent tube tester on ebay. I bought a B&K 606 for about $150. Basic good/bad on a scale, shorts and gas emission.  I own five tube amps and have over 250 vacuum tubes in collection so it was worth buying. 🤪 Just another expensive hobby. 


A few questions.  What kind of tubes are in your preamp?  How many tubes are in your preamp? How long have those tubes been in the preamp? And how old is the preamp?


I have two Telefunken AU7 tubes which run the line stage of my Conrad Johnson preamp. I’m not sure how long they’ve been in the preamp, maybe a year and a half,

The preamp is a vintage model which was modded by CJ with Teflon caps.