More than one thing can be true at a time. It is generally true that you get what you pay for. It’s not realistic to think that you can put together $2000 system that is going to sound as good as a well put together $20,000 system. Likewise, if you own a $100,000 system, it probably won’t compete with a $500,000 system. But that’s not really the point, the point is to enjoy the music. I think the point is to put together a system within your resources that allows you to take joy from listening to music. that can certainly be done without spending a fortune.
I bought my lady friend a little system for Christmas because she enjoys listening to my system with me. I got her some T plus a Caruso speakers that were demos at a good price and a blue sound power mode. Listened to it in the showroom and it sounded damn good. I would be happy spending a couple of hours every night, listening to good music through that system.
The only problem is, she will play horrid music from the 80s and a $1 million system couldn’t make that stuff sound good