Maggie LRS vs .7

I just did some searching here but surprisingly didn't find much on this topic. Maybe I'm not asking the right way?   Anybody have direct experience comparing these two?  I ask because there is a local used pair of .7 that I am watching.  I currently have the LRS being driven by Hegel h360 integrated.



When I bought my LRS direct from Magnepan, Magnepan told me that for my small room ( 12x11), the LRS would actually sound better...but that in my slightly larger room that the .7 would be better..

I actually preferred the .7's to the 1.7's even. There's something very coherent about them... doesn't go as deep, but the bass they produce is more detailed and textured, the midrange is really where the magic is with the .7's.


Compared to the LRS, no contest, the .7's are by far superior in my room as well as in my buddies room (two very different setups, mine being quite a bit larger and his being quite small and near field).

I have extensive experience with Magnepan speakers. Although I no longer own a pair, I’ve heard or owned several pair, including the models mentioned (except the 2.7i). Personally, I prefer the .7 over the LRS+, the 1.7i over the .7, the 2.7i over the 1.7i, and the 3.7i over the 2.7i. The larger the speakers, the better the overall sound. In order to get the absolute best out of any of the Magnegan models, it is absolutely critical that a particular model be place in an appropriately sized room. Just that simple.  If I had had a larger room, I would have most certainly had opted for the magnificent 20.7. 

I have the Magnepans .7's and they are the perfect fit for my listening room I've  intergrated them with two SVS ULTRA 13 subs 

Here is a good review of the LRS vs the.7's by Audio Excellent

It appears that the 2 models are sensitive to the rooms width x depth x height, and the proportions of same....dipoles are such ’sensitive’ critters to begin with...*Grin*

That, and small rooms have those pesky 'punctuations'.. windows, doors, mandatory ;)