Legacy Audio Stuff

Does anyone have any experience with Legacy Audio products? I'm curious because they are made in the city that I have recently moved to.

I'd get dropped in a discussion when searching something online and I'd comment without looking at the date. After a bit I started checking dates on threads b4 posting.

@jpcmrc ,

"I'm sorry I didn't notice that the comments were old. Get a life."

Was that comment meant for me? If so, you misunderstand.

I found your comment about time being irrelevant funny, not that you're responding to an old thread.


The only thing I was pointing out is that they are not the same speaker. This thread is about the original Focus, which by the way I owned at the time this thread was originally active. I didn't really care what others thought of them and did not respond to this thread back then. I really like Legacy speakers, and in fact currently own Aeris with a pair of Metro XD subs. If you're upset by someone trying to tell you to not get worked up about something so trivial, then I don't really know what to say. Maybe you are the one that needs to get a life.