The disintegration of speech and language depth in lyrics is not a fact about "taste" but about mind conditioning in an uneducated controlled social fabric..
The mastery of language by song writer artist is a strong indicator of their mastery of music too. At least a genius musician can collaborate with a poet...
The decline of the poetic content and value of music goes with a simplification of chords, harmony, and the reduction of musical time complexities to a mere beat...
Music for robot is not a question of taste but a question about the social fabric inducing consumers habits.
Why do you think Joni Mitchell hated Madonna ?
As a work of art hate manufactured product.
" Beat is not music, it is mind under control using bodies said my training G.I. sergeant; who himself never dance"-- Groucho Marx 
My son says (and it is the position of his peers) that lyrics don’t matter as much as the beat or the overall feel of the song. Worse, some of the lyrics of the music are disgusting. Music, like everything, goes through cycles. Perhaps one day, pop/popular songs will be lyrics-centric again.